In this article, we discuss how to use F# computation expressions to provide syntax for
monadic computations. We start by defining a simple computation using bind and return
and then add the support for sequencing and additional control flow constructs.
We show code for two examples - one demonstrating monadic container and the other
demonstrating monadic computations. The difference is that monadic computation can
capture (untracked) F# effects in the type M<'T> while monadic containers can not
(because they represent fully evaluated values).
Functional monads
We use the Maybe monad (represented as option<'T>) as an example of monadic container and
the Reader monad (represented as 'TState -> 'T) as an example of monadic computation. The
following snippet shows standard definitions of bind and return for these types (we
use the name unit for return, because return is a reserved keyword):
moduleMaybe=/// The unit function of the Maybe monadletunitvalue=Some(value)
/// The bind operation of the Maybe monad letbindf=function
| None->None
| Some(value) ->fvaluemoduleReader=/// Represents a computation that depends on 'TStatetypeReader<'TState, 'T>=Rof ('TState->'T)
/// The unit function of the Reader monadletunitvalue=R (fun _ ->value)
/// The bind operation of the Reader monadletbindf (Rcomp1) =R (funstate->let (Rcomp2) =f (comp1state)
Computation builder definitions
Now that we have the bind and return operations, we can define two F# computation builders
for writing monadic computations. The following snippet starts by defining just binding and
return (which allows the let! and the return constructs). We also define ReturnFrom
member to allow the return! keyword:
/// Computation builder for the Maybe monadtypeMaybeBuilder() =memberx.Bind(v, f) =Maybe.bindfvmemberx.Return(v) =Maybe.unitvmemberx.ReturnFrom(m) =m/// Computation builder for the Reader monadtypeReaderBuilder() =memberx.Bind(v, f) =Reader.bindfvmemberx.Return(v) =Reader.unitvmemberx.ReturnFrom(m) =m/// Objects representing computaiton builder instancesletmaybe=MaybeBuilder()
The definitions above allows us to write a number of basic monadic computations.
The following snippet demonstrates the syntax using the Maybe monad:
/// Random number generatorletrandom=System.Random()
/// Either fails or returns some unitletmaybeFail() =maybe { ifrandom.Next(2) =0thenreturn ()
elsereturn!None }
/// Computation that either fails or returns a random numberletmaybeDice() =maybe { do!maybeFail()
returnrandom.Next(6) }
/// Computation that adds two dices (fails in 3/4 of cases)letmaybeTwice=maybe { let!n1=maybeDice()
returnn1+n2 }
The maybeFail computation uses return () to successfully return the unit value and
return! None to fail. In the first case, the argument is a value that will be wrapped
in the monadic type option<unit>, while in the second case, the argument is the
computation to return - None is of type Maybe<unit>. The code samples are translated
to the following code:
As discussed in the paper, the well-known monad laws can be expressed in the computation
expression syntax. The examples are very similar to the code that can be written using the
do notation in Haskell. Assuming m is some computation builder that supports Bind
and Return, we can write:
/// The left identity monad lawletleftIdentityxf=letm1=m { let!v=m { returnx }
return!fv }
letm2=m { return!fx }
m1|>shouldEqualm2/// The right identity monad law letrightIdentityn=letm1=m { let!x=nreturnx }
letm2=m { return!n }
m1|>shouldEqualm2/// The associativity monad law letassociativitynfg=letm1=m { let!y=m { let!x=nreturn!fx }
return!gy }
letm2=m { let!x=nreturn!m { let!y=fxreturn!gx } }
letm3=m { let!x=nlet!y=fxreturn!gx }
As discussed in the paper, sequencing of effectfull monadic computation is done by adding members
Delay, Zero, Run and, most importantly, Combine. There are two possible definitions,
depending on whether the computation type M<'T> can accomodate untracked F# effects (in other
words, whether the occurrence of 'T is in a result of some function type. We refer to types
that can accomodate effects monadic computations and types that cannot monadic containers.
Monadic computations
The Reader monad is an example of monadic computation, because it is represented as a function
'TState -> 'T. For such monads, the computation builders that allow sequencing can be
defined as follows (place the mouse pointer over a member name to see the type):
// Extend the ReaderBuilder with additional memberstypeReaderBuilderwith/// Creates a monadic unit computationmemberm.Zero() =m.Return( () )
/// Wraps the effects in the computation typememberm.Delay(f) =m.Bind(m.Zero(), fun _ ->f())
/// Compose effectful and another computationmemberm.Combine(m1, m2) =m.Bind(m1, fun () ->m2)
/// Return a computation without affecting it/// (Run is not used in this case and can be omitted)memberm.Run(m1) =m1
All members are defined in terms of the existing. The Combine member is implemented by
Bind with the restriction that the first computation must return unit (This is similar
to the difference between function composition and sequencing using the semicolon operator.)
The Delay member is implemented by taking an empty computation (Zero) and binding.
The above definitions enable a number of constructs (refer to the F# specification for full
details). The most notable ones are if without the else branch (where Zero is used instead
of the else branch). The if can also be followed by other computations (in which case,
Combine is used to combine them). The following example defines two of helpers and
then demonstrates a computation that requires the above members:
/// Reads the state from the Reader monadletreadState() =(...)/// Runs the Reader monad with a given stateletrunReaderstatem=(...)/// Prints given message and optionally also the stateletprintLogdetailedmessage=reader { ifdetailedthenlet!state=readState()
printfn"State:%s"stateprintfn"Message:%s"message }
// Select & run to execute the sampleprintLogtrue"Testing#1"|>runReader"State#1"printLogfalse"Testing#2"|>runReader"State#2"
The printLog function first prints the state (if detailed = true) and then prints the
given message. It is translated to the following expression:
The Maybe monad is an example of the second case - monadic container. For such monads,
the Bind operation performs all effects immediately and so it is not possible to
implement Delay that would return M<'T> computation without evaluating the function
given as an argument. For this reason, we use a different type (called D<'T> in the
paper) to represent a delayed monadic computation. For monadic containers, D<'T> = unit -> M<'T>.
The computation builder can be defined as follows:
// Extend the MaybeBuilder with additional memberstypeMaybeBuilderwith/// Creates a monadic unit computationmemberm.Zero() =m.Return( () )
/// Return the function as a delayed computation typememberm.Delay(f) =f/// Compose computation and a delayed computationmemberm.Combine(m1, d2) =m.Bind(m1, fun () ->d2 ())
/// Run the effects of a delayed computationmemberm.Run(d1) =d1()
Note that the Maybe monad is perhaps not the best example of monadic computation, because
it also provides monoidal structure (with None as the zero and left-biased choice as the
binary operator). This means that there are two ways to implement the computation builder -
one that uses the monadic structure (above) and another that would use the monoidal structure
(using None for Zero and a different Combine). The second approach is very similar to
imperative computation builder described elsewhere.
Using the monadic implementation of Maybe, we can write the following code.
// Generates a number, but may fail if 'canFail' is trueletmaybeNumbercanFail=maybe { ifcanFailthendo!maybeFail ()
returnrandom.Next(6) }
If the parameter canFail is true, then the computation uses maybeFail to fail with a
50% chance. Otherwise, it always succeeds, returning a random number from 0 to 5. The structure
of the computation is very similar to the previous Reader monad example and so is the translation:
The final addition that can be made to a monadic computation expression builder is the support for
F# control flow constructs that are available in the computation block. These include two looping
constructs (for and while) and also exception handling constructs (try .. with and
try .. finally). The definition differs slightly for monadic computations and monadic containers.
In particular, the While member and the exception handling constructs take one of the arguments
as a delayed computation, which is either M<'T> or unit -> M<'T>.
Monadic computations
The ReaderBuilder (a monadic computation) can be extended as follows:
typeReaderBuilderwith/// The exception handling needs to be lifted into the monadic /// computation type, so we need to use the computation structurememberm.TryWith(Reader.Rbody, handler) =Reader.R (funstate->trybodystatewithe->let (Reader.RhandlerBody) =handlerehandlerBodystate)
/// The finalizer is defined similarly (but the body of the /// finalizer cannot be monadic - just a `unit -> unit` function memberm.TryFinally(Reader.Rbody, finalizer) =Reader.R (funstate->trybodystatefinallyfinalizer() )
/// Similar to 'Bind', but it disposes of the resource (a way to do /// deterministic finalization in .NET) after it gets out of scopememberm.Using(res, f) =m.Bind(res, fundisposableRes->m.TryFinally(m.Delay(fun () ->fdisposableRes), fun () ->
(disposableRes:>System.IDisposable).Dispose() ))
/// The 'while' loop evaluates the condition and then either ends/// (returning 'Zero'), or evaluates body once and then runs recursivelymemberm.While(cond, body) =ifnot (cond()) thenm.Zero()
elsem.Combine(m.Run(body), m.Delay(fun () ->m.While(cond, body)))
/// The 'for' loop can be defined using 'While' and 'Using'memberm.For(xs:seq<'T>, f) =m.Using(m.Return(xs.GetEnumerator()), funen->m.While( (fun () ->en.MoveNext()), m.Delay(fun () ->fen.Current) ) )
For monadic computations that encapsulate untracked F# effects, the members TryWith and
TryFinally cannot be implemented in terms of other operations. They need to understand the
structure of the computation, in order to wrap the appropriate call that actually runs the
effects with try .. with or try .. finally. For the Reader monad, this is quite easy.
We just need to wrap the call that runs the underlying function when the initial state is
provided. However, it requires more structure than just monadic bind and return.
The Using member is not discussed in the paper (see F# specification for details), but
we include it for completeness. It has the same type signature as Bind, except that the
value produced by the first computation implements the IDisposable interface. The member
guarantees that it will deterministically free the resource after it gets out of scope, whic
can be implemented using TryFinally. The member enables the use! x = foo syntax in the
computation builder.
Finally, the For and While members can be implemented in terms of the
other operations. In general, the for loop iterates over an F# sequence, which is an
imperative object that needs to be disposed of at the end. This can be done using the
Using member.
Monadic containers
The definitions for the Maybe monad are similar, but the exception handling members are
implemented differently. In case of monadic containers that use unit -> M<'T> to represent
delayed computation, we do not need to know anything about the M<'T> type:
typeMaybeBuilderwith/// The exception handling uses the delayed type directlymemberm.TryWith(f, handler) =tryf()
withe->handlere/// The finalizer is defined similarly (but the body of the /// finalizer cannot be monadic - just a `unit -> unit` function) memberm.TryFinally(f, finalizer) =tryf()
(Other members are the same as for computations)
As an example, consider the following two examples. The first one implements safe modulo
(division remainder) using the Maybe monad. The second tests whether a given number is
divisible by all specified numbers and fails if that is not the case (otherwise it succeeds,
returning Some()).
/// Safe modulo using the Maybe monadletsafeModab=maybe { tryreturna%bwith _ ->return!None }
/// Fail if the number is divisible by any divisorletfailDivisiblenumdivisors=maybe { fordivisorindivisorsdolet!res=safeModnumdivisorifres=0thenreturn!None }
// Test whether 43 is a prime numberfailDivisible43 [ 2..7 ]
// ... but fail when the input contains 0failDivisible43 [ 0..7 ]
The two functions defined above are transalted using the new computation builder members
as follows (we omit the wrapping of the entire computation in Run and Delay, because
it has no effect in this example and it makes the translation harder to follow):
val bind : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a option -> 'b option
Full name: TryJoinads.Maybe.bind
The bind operation of the Maybe monad
val f : ('a -> 'b option)
union case Option.None: Option<'T>
type Reader<'TState,'T> = | R of ('TState -> 'T)
Full name: TryJoinads.Reader.Reader<_,_>
Represents a computation that depends on 'TState
union case Reader.R: ('TState -> 'T) -> Reader<'TState,'T>
Multiple items val unit : 'a -> Reader<'b,'a>
Full name: TryJoinads.Reader.unit
The unit function of the Reader monad
-------------------- type unit = Unit
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.unit type: unit
val bind : ('a -> Reader<'b,'c>) -> Reader<'b,'a> -> Reader<'b,'c>
Full name: TryJoinads.Reader.bind
The bind operation of the Reader monad
val f : ('a -> Reader<'b,'c>)
val comp1 : ('b -> 'a)
val state : 'b
val comp2 : ('b -> 'c)
type MaybeBuilder = class new : unit -> MaybeBuilder member Bind : v:'c option * f:('c -> 'd option) -> 'd option member Combine : m1:unit option * d2:(unit -> 'b option) -> 'b option member Delay : f:'c -> 'c member For : xs:seq<'T> * f:('T -> unit option) -> unit option member Return : v:'b -> 'b option member ReturnFrom : m:'a -> 'a member Run : d1:(unit -> 'a) -> 'a member TryFinally : f:(unit -> 'a) * finalizer:(unit -> unit) -> 'a member TryWith : f:(unit -> 'a) * handler:(exn -> 'a) -> 'a member Using : res:'a option * f:('a -> 'b option) -> 'b option (requires 'a :> System.IDisposable) member While : cond:(unit -> bool) * body:(unit -> unit option) -> unit option member Zero : unit -> unit option end
Full name: TryJoinads.MaybeBuilder
Computation builder for the Maybe monad
val x : MaybeBuilder
member MaybeBuilder.Bind : v:'c option * f:('c -> 'd option) -> 'd option
Full name: TryJoinads.MaybeBuilder.Bind
val v : 'c option type: 'c option
val f : ('c -> 'd option)
module Maybe
from TryJoinads
member MaybeBuilder.Return : v:'b -> 'b option
Full name: TryJoinads.MaybeBuilder.Return
val v : 'b
val unit : 'a -> 'a option
Full name: TryJoinads.Maybe.unit
The unit function of the Maybe monad
member MaybeBuilder.ReturnFrom : m:'a -> 'a
Full name: TryJoinads.MaybeBuilder.ReturnFrom
val m : 'a
type ReaderBuilder = class new : unit -> ReaderBuilder member Bind : v:Reader.Reader<'d,'e> * f:('e -> Reader.Reader<'d,'f>) -> Reader.Reader<'d,'f> member Combine : m1:Reader.Reader<'a,unit> * m2:Reader.Reader<'a,'b> -> Reader.Reader<'a,'b> member Delay : f:(unit -> Reader.Reader<'a,'b>) -> Reader.Reader<'a,'b> member For : xs:seq<'T> * f:('T -> Reader.Reader<'a,unit>) -> Reader.Reader<'a,unit> member Return : v:'b -> Reader.Reader<'c,'b> member ReturnFrom : m:'a -> 'a member Run : m1:'a -> 'a member TryFinally : Reader.Reader<'a,'b> * finalizer:(unit -> unit) -> Reader.Reader<'a,'b> member TryWith : Reader.Reader<'a,'b> * handler:(exn -> Reader.Reader<'a,'b>) -> Reader.Reader<'a,'b> member Using : res:Reader.Reader<'a,'b> * f:('b -> Reader.Reader<'a,'c>) -> Reader.Reader<'a,'c> (requires 'b :> System.IDisposable) member While : cond:(unit -> bool) * body:Reader.Reader<'a,unit> -> Reader.Reader<'a,unit> member Zero : unit -> Reader.Reader<'a,unit> end
Full name: TryJoinads.ReaderBuilder
Computation builder for the Reader monad
val x : ReaderBuilder
member ReaderBuilder.Bind : v:Reader.Reader<'d,'e> * f:('e -> Reader.Reader<'d,'f>) -> Reader.Reader<'d,'f>
Full name: TryJoinads.ReaderBuilder.Bind
val v : Reader.Reader<'d,'e>
val f : ('e -> Reader.Reader<'d,'f>)
module Reader
from TryJoinads
val bind : ('a -> Reader.Reader<'b,'c>) -> Reader.Reader<'b,'a> -> Reader.Reader<'b,'c>
Full name: TryJoinads.Reader.bind
The bind operation of the Reader monad
member ReaderBuilder.Return : v:'b -> Reader.Reader<'c,'b>
type Random = class new : unit -> System.Random new : int -> System.Random member Next : unit -> int member Next : int -> int member Next : int * int -> int member NextBytes : System.Byte [] -> unit member NextDouble : unit -> float end
Full name: System.Random
val maybeFail : unit -> unit option
Full name: TryJoinads.maybeFail
Either fails or returns some unit
System.Random.Next() : int System.Random.Next(maxValue: int) : int System.Random.Next(minValue: int, maxValue: int) : int
val maybeDice : unit -> int option
Full name: TryJoinads.maybeDice
Computation that either fails or returns a random number
val maybeTwice : int option
Full name: TryJoinads.maybeTwice type: int option
Computation that adds two dices (fails in 3/4 of cases)
val n1 : int type: int inherits: System.ValueType
val n2 : int type: int inherits: System.ValueType
val maybeFail : unit -> unit option
Full name: TryJoinads.MaybeTranslations1.maybeFail
member MaybeBuilder.Return : v:'b -> 'b option
member MaybeBuilder.ReturnFrom : m:'a -> 'a
val maybeDice : unit -> int option
Full name: TryJoinads.MaybeTranslations1.maybeDice
member MaybeBuilder.Bind : v:'c option * f:('c -> 'd option) -> 'd option
val maybeTwice : int option
Full name: TryJoinads.MaybeTranslations1.maybeTwice type: int option
type M<'T> = | M of 'T
Full name: TryJoinads.M<_> type: M<'a>
union case M.M: 'T -> M<'T>
type MBuilder = class new : unit -> MBuilder member Bind : m:M<'T> * f:('T -> M<'R>) -> M<'R> member Return : v:'T -> M<'T> member ReturnFrom : m:M<'T> -> M<'T> end
Full name: TryJoinads.MBuilder
val x : MBuilder
member MBuilder.Bind : m:M<'T> * f:('T -> M<'R>) -> M<'R>
Full name: TryJoinads.MBuilder.Bind
val m : M<'T> type: M<'T>
val f : ('T -> M<'R>)
val failwith : string -> 'T
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators.failwith
member MBuilder.Return : v:'T -> M<'T>
Full name: TryJoinads.MBuilder.Return
val v : 'T
member MBuilder.ReturnFrom : m:M<'T> -> M<'T>
Full name: TryJoinads.MBuilder.ReturnFrom
val m : MBuilder
Full name: TryJoinads.m
val shouldEqual : 'a -> 'a -> unit (requires equality)
Full name: TryJoinads.shouldEqual
val a : 'a (requires equality)
val b : 'a (requires equality)
val not : bool -> bool
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators.not
val leftIdentity : 'a -> ('a -> M<'b>) -> unit (requires equality)
Full name: TryJoinads.leftIdentity
The left identity monad law
val x : 'a
val f : ('a -> M<'b>) (requires equality)
val m1 : M<'b> (requires equality) type: M<'b>
val v : 'a
val m2 : M<'b> (requires equality) type: M<'b>
val rightIdentity : M<'a> -> unit (requires equality)
Full name: TryJoinads.rightIdentity
The right identity monad law
val n : M<'a> (requires equality) type: M<'a>
val m1 : M<'a> (requires equality) type: M<'a>
val x : 'a (requires equality)
val m2 : M<'a> (requires equality) type: M<'a>
val associativity : M<'a> -> ('a -> M<'a>) -> ('a -> M<'b>) -> unit (requires equality)
Full name: TryJoinads.associativity
The associativity monad law
val n : M<'a> type: M<'a>
val f : ('a -> M<'a>)
val g : ('a -> M<'b>) (requires equality)
val y : 'a
val m3 : M<'b> (requires equality) type: M<'b>
val m : ReaderBuilder
member ReaderBuilder.Zero : unit -> Reader.Reader<'a,unit>
Full name: TryJoinads.ReaderBuilder.Zero
Creates a monadic unit computation
member ReaderBuilder.Return : v:'b -> Reader.Reader<'c,'b>
member ReaderBuilder.Delay : f:(unit -> Reader.Reader<'a,'b>) -> Reader.Reader<'a,'b>
Full name: TryJoinads.ReaderBuilder.Delay
Wraps the effects in the computation type
val f : (unit -> Reader.Reader<'a,'b>)
member ReaderBuilder.Bind : v:Reader.Reader<'d,'e> * f:('e -> Reader.Reader<'d,'f>) -> Reader.Reader<'d,'f>
member ReaderBuilder.Zero : unit -> Reader.Reader<'a,unit>
Creates a monadic unit computation
member ReaderBuilder.Combine : m1:Reader.Reader<'a,unit> * m2:Reader.Reader<'a,'b> -> Reader.Reader<'a,'b>
Full name: TryJoinads.ReaderBuilder.Combine
Compose effectful and another computation
val m1 : Reader.Reader<'a,unit>
val m2 : Reader.Reader<'a,'b>
member ReaderBuilder.Run : m1:'a -> 'a
Full name: TryJoinads.ReaderBuilder.Run
Return a computation without affecting it (Run is not used in this case and can be omitted)
val m1 : 'a
val readState : unit -> Reader.Reader<'a,'a>
Full name: TryJoinads.readState
Reads the state from the Reader monad
Reader.R (fun state -> state)
val runReader : 'a -> Reader.Reader<'a,'b> -> 'b
Full name: TryJoinads.runReader
Runs the Reader monad with a given state
val state : 'a
val m : Reader.Reader<'a,'b>
let (Reader.R f) = m in f state
val printLog : bool -> string -> Reader.Reader<string,unit>
Full name: TryJoinads.printLog
Prints given message and optionally also the state
val detailed : bool type: bool inherits: System.ValueType
val message : string type: string
val state : string type: string
val printfn : Printf.TextWriterFormat<'T> -> 'T
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.ExtraTopLevelOperators.printfn
val printLog : bool -> string -> Reader.Reader<string,unit>
Full name: TryJoinads.ReaderTranslation2.printLog
member ReaderBuilder.Run : m1:'a -> 'a
Return a computation without affecting it (Run is not used in this case and can be omitted)
member ReaderBuilder.Delay : f:(unit -> Reader.Reader<'a,'b>) -> Reader.Reader<'a,'b>
Wraps the effects in the computation type
member ReaderBuilder.Combine : m1:Reader.Reader<'a,unit> * m2:Reader.Reader<'a,'b> -> Reader.Reader<'a,'b>
val en : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<'T> type: System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<'T> inherits: System.IDisposable inherits: System.Collections.IEnumerator
member MaybeBuilder.TryWith : f:(unit -> 'a) * handler:(exn -> 'a) -> 'a
Full name: TryJoinads.MaybeBuilder.TryWith
The exception handling uses the delayed type directly
val f : (unit -> 'a)
val handler : (exn -> 'a)
member MaybeBuilder.TryFinally : f:(unit -> 'a) * finalizer:(unit -> unit) -> 'a
Full name: TryJoinads.MaybeBuilder.TryFinally
The finalizer is defined similarly (but the body of the finalizer cannot be monadic - just a `unit -> unit` function)
/// Similar to 'Bind', but it disposes of the resource (a way to do /// deterministic finalization in .NET) after it gets out of scope member m.Using(res, f) = m.Bind(res, fun disposableRes -> m.TryFinally(m.Delay(fun () -> f disposableRes), fun () -> (disposableRes :> System.IDisposable).Dispose() ))
/// The 'while' loop evaluates the condition and then either ends /// (returning 'Zero'), or evaluates body once and then runs recursively member m.While(cond, body) = if not (cond()) then m.Zero() else m.Combine(m.Run(body), m.Delay(fun () -> m.While(cond, body)))
/// The 'for' loop can be defined using 'While' and 'Using' member m.For(xs:seq<'T>, f) = m.Using(m.Return(xs.GetEnumerator()), fun en -> m.While( (fun () -> en.MoveNext()), m.Delay(fun () -> f en.Current) ) )
val safeMod : int -> int -> int option
Full name: TryJoinads.safeMod
Safe modulo using the Maybe monad
val a : int type: int inherits: System.ValueType
val b : int type: int inherits: System.ValueType
val failDivisible : int -> seq<int> -> unit option
Full name: TryJoinads.failDivisible
Fail if the number is divisible by any divisor
val num : int type: int inherits: System.ValueType
val divisors : seq<int> type: seq<int> inherits: System.Collections.IEnumerable
val divisor : int type: int inherits: System.ValueType
val res : int type: int inherits: System.ValueType
val safeMod : int -> int -> int option
Full name: TryJoinads.MaybeTranslation3.safeMod
member MaybeBuilder.TryWith : f:(unit -> 'a) * handler:(exn -> 'a) -> 'a
The exception handling uses the delayed type directly
val failDivisible : int -> seq<int> -> unit option
Full name: TryJoinads.MaybeTranslation3.failDivisible
member MaybeBuilder.For : xs:seq<'T> * f:('T -> unit option) -> unit option
The 'for' loop can be defined using 'While' and 'Using'